AusCan Building Inspections Ltd
“Professional Inspections for every client every time”
CPBC License #47936.
WorkSafe BC Certified Asbestos Surveyor.
#ASB-100032372. License #AAL-00001029
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Email: info@auscan.ca
Asbestos Testing
What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material which has been regularly used from the end of the 19th century until the late 1990s in both manufacturing and construction.
Thanks to its versatile properties, such as its fire-resistance and the fact that it is the only known mineral that can be woven into a thread. It has commonly been known as the ‘magic-mineral’.
Asbestos has been found to be a hazardous substance and needs to be handled with care. When asbestos is disturbed it releases fibres as well as a visible dust which can present serious health risks when breathed in. It has been known to cause lung disease, cancer and can be fatal.
If you have a home that is built in 1990 or earlier and are planning on performing a renovation then you are required by WorkSafe BC to have an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) assessment performed.
Types of Asbestos?
There are 6 mineral types that are defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as ‘asbestos’, and these are split into 2 main classes of asbestos.
Serpentine – Serpentine class fibres are curly in appearance. There is only one member in this class of asbestos, called Chrysotile.
- Chrysotile asbestos is obtained from serpentinite rocks, which are found commonly throughout the world. Chrysotile appears under the microscope as a white fibre. This type of asbestos has been used more than any other, as it is more flexible than any of the Amphibole class asbestos and can be spun and woven into a fabric. Its most common use has been in corrugated asbestos cement roof sheets typically used for outbuildings, warehouses and garages. It may also be found in sheets or panels used for ceilings and sometimes for walls and floors. Chrysotile has been a component in joint compounds and some wall plaster. Numerous other items have been made containing chrysotile, including brake linings, fire barriers in fuse boxes, pipe insulation, floor tiles, and gaskets for high temperature equipment.
Amphibole – Amphibole class fibres are needle-like in form. The remaining 5 types of asbestos fall into this category, including Crocidolite, Amosite, Tremosite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite.
- Crocidolite asbestos is the fibrous form of the amphibole riebeckite. Crocidolite is seen under the microscope as a blue fibre. Often referred to as blue asbestos, it is considered the most hazardous. In 1964, Dr Christopher Wagner discovered an association between blue asbestos and the asbestos related cancer mesothelioma. Unbelievably, Bolivian-mined crocidolite was used in Kent Micronite cigarette filters in the 1950s. Blue asbestos was also formerly used in early gas masks.
- Amosite asbestos, often referred to as brown asbestos, is seen under a microscope as a grey-white fibre. It is found most frequently in materials used as fire retardants in thermal insulation products, asbestos insulation and ceiling tiles.
- Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite asbestos are used less commonly industrially, but can still be found in a variety of construction and insulation materials, and have even been reported to be found in a number of consumer products in the past.
Construction Materials which typically contain Asbestos
Asbestos was one of the most popular building materials of the 20th century. Any product that needed to withstand heat likely contained asbestos such as hot water pipes, water tanks, boilers, electrical panels and roofing materials. Asbestos was also added for it’s additional strength properties to numerous building products.
Some construction products that may contain Asbestos:
- Insulation
- Cement
- Adhesive
- Flooring materials
- Ceiling tiles
- Drywall compound (mud), Plaster
- Textured spray ceiling coatings
- Exterior siding
- Heating vent tape, Sheets
- Mastics
Some of these materials are still made with asbestos, though typically in less concentration compared to historical use. If you encounter these products in damaged or deteriorating condition, proceed with caution. These are only some of the possible Asbestos Containing Materials. For a full evaluation contact us for professional guidance.
How can We Help?
As a Certified Asbestos Building Inspector, (CABI) AusCan Building Inspections offer several options for Asbestos sampling or testing.
Bulk Sampling:
We can test for possible Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) within the building. We take bulk samples which are then sent to a Certified laboratory for analysis. A report is issued with the results which is to be kept onsite.
Most cities will require Asbestos testing prior to any renovations on buildings that are 1990 or older.
To fully protect all workers, we will take a minimum of 3 samples per area and different material that is to be removed. (On average 15-20 plus samples are required per assessment.)
Asbestos Air Testing:
Post demolition:
1: “Air Clearance”.
This report verifies contaminates/asbestos fibers in the air within the building. This is used to verify a safe workplace. This reports is required to be kept on site for all workers/home owners to access.
2: “Ambient Air”and “Occupational”
Typically required for air testing for Remediation contractors.
All sampling methods are per WorkSafe Bc, NIOSH requirements.
Call today!
Call us today for more information to book your Asbestos Sampling or Air testing assessment @ 604-671-5528.
Also, see our Resources page for links for more information on Asbestos or