AusCan Building Inspections Ltd
“Professional Inspections for every client every time”
CPBC License #47936.
WorkSafe BC Certified Asbestos Surveyor.
#ASB-100032372. License #AAL-00001029
Call or Text:
Email: info@auscan.ca
The Inspection Process
The Inspection Process
The property buying process doesn’t need to be stressful and complicated. Choosing a qualified, honest, Licensed and experienced home inspector can give you the knowledge and confidence you need to make sound purchasing decisions. At AusCan Building Inspections, our comprehensive inspections and commitment to honesty and accuracy bring peace of mind to every client.
At AusCan Building Inspections, we take the time to do the job right. We spend time with you, clearly explaining our findings; giving you real answers that can help you make the right decision. We understand how important a real estate purchase is to you. Follow these steps below to aid you in the process.
The Procedure:
Prior to the inspection
1. Book An Inspection
- Check with your realtor when we can gain access to the building for the inspection. Typically the current homeowner or tenant requires 24 hours notice. Your realtor will usually be in contact with the listing agent to help organize this.
- If the inspection is for a Condo or town home, additional time may be required to organize access to the common areas. Inspections can gladly be performed on the weekend but be aware that access to the common areas may be limited as most Property managers are not available on weekends.
2. Fill in the online booking form and submit.
- Once the form has been submitted you will receive an email confirming the booking.
- Check the details to ensure that they are correct.
- You will receive and second email with a link shortly after the confirmation with instructions on viewing our contract
3. Viewing the Contract.
- As a requirement for CPBC licensing, Insurance and HIABC (Home Inspectors Association BC), we must use a contract or agreement for every inspection performed. Our document is in colour, easy to read and has no small print. Clients are required to read this agreement before the inspection.
- Log in with the password and Username provided to view the contract.
- Review the contract and either hit the agree button or reply to our office via email with the words. “I have read and understand the contract”.
- There is no need to print the contract, as a printed copy will be provided on site for you to sign also.
- The contract must be agreed to before the commencement of the inspection.
- A Sample Contract >
At the Inspection
- As most homes have numerous complex details, and we may also be subjected to limited access time to the home. Clients are welcome to attend the inspection but we request that we be permitted to perform our duties un interrupted so that we can obtain all the details.
- This is typically the best time for clients to measure where their household items are now going to be located.
- Inspections are like jigsaw puzzles. Some times there may be numerous factors that have to be combined to allow us to present all the correct facts. We will gladly answer all questions during/after the verbal presentation.
- After all the information has been gathered and entered into our electronic report we perform the Verbal presentation.
- All pictures and information that has been gathered is then shown to you, the client. This is the time that we fully explain our findings, recommendations and answers all the questions.
- If clients are unable to attend, no problems. We will upload the report and notify you that the report is ready to be viewed.
- At AusCan Building inspections we also offer presentations via Skype. This allows us to either do a walk around live, with camera, or talk after the client has viewed the report. This is extremely useful if the client is out of the country.
- After the onsite presentation, our comprehensive report is delivered on our USB card and binder to the client.
- All professional Home Inspectors are expected to follow a “Scope Of Inspection”. Just as a builder has a building code, these are the minimum requirements for inspecting properties and Licensing in British Columbia. A copy of the HIABC Standards of Practice/Scope of inspection, which is included in every binder. At AusCan Building inspections we inspect more than the basic requirements, thereby ensuring a thorough inspection.
After the Inspection
- During an inspection there may be several factors that are unfortunately out of the control of a home inspector. ie, limited allowable time onsite from home owners, other distractions etc.
- At AusCan Building inspections we take every effort to ensure a thorough comprehensive report. Clients can be assured that the information provided on site is enough to allow for an informed decision before they leave the property.
- As part of our Quality Assurance, reports are reviewed at the office later that day to make any adjustments. Once the report has been reviewed, the Final Draft is then uploaded onto our web site.
- Clients, once again will receive a notification email that the report is ready to be viewed. We recommend the client read the final draft.
We Only Answer To You
At AusCan Building Inspections, we only answer to you. Referrals from real estate agencies, mortgage brokers, or anyone involved in the real estate industry are not compensated . Their referrals and recommendations are based on their past clients being happy with our services. This is how we can honestly say that we operate with Integrity.
Call us today and experience the difference for yourself… 604 . 671 . 5526